June 26, 2024

New studio alert ✨

My boyfriend Stephen and I recently moved to a new place here in San Francisco aaand with a new place comes a new studio space! During the day, it’s my home office. At night, it’s my PINBILL safe place.

Here are my six favorite things in my studio right now.

1️⃣ Smiskis on my shipping label printer

My glow in the dark Smiskis and their derpy faces bring me joy on the daily.

They act as my cheerleaders when a new order comes in and when a new order doesn’t. Putting them on top of my shipping label printer act as reminder that running this small biz is supposed to be fun. And to not sweat the quantity of orders so much.

2️⃣ Hangyodon keyboard

Shoutout to my fish son! Hangyodon is my favorite Sanrio character and I only just discovered him during the COVID lockdown. When I saw his lil fins, big eyes, and pink fish lips on the Japan LA Popshop Live streams, I was done for.

The crown jewel of my ever growing Hangyodon collection is this mechanical keyboard. My brother Justin and my boyfriend Stephen built it for me and gave it to me for my birthday. The keycaps are so silly and colorful plus the tap tap tap sounds just scratch that certain itch in my brain. I love it so much.

3️⃣ Kallax and Dröna bins for inventory

Inventory storage has been a longlasting mystery to me, but I think I finally cracked it with my Kallax shelf and Dröna bins from IKEA.

Before this, I kept my inventory in large ziploc bags then stuffed them in stackable medium sized plastic bins from Michaels. I had ten of them and they were notttt pretty to look at lol. So I kept them in the linen closet, out of sight and, inefficiently, out of reach.

This IKEA solution solves all of those problems. I call that a win, baby!

4️⃣ Sonny Angels aka my emotional support babies

Back in 2017, I was the Customer Service Manager of a call center and yes, it’s about as boring as it sounds. Cubicles, harsh LED lighting, shoes shuffling on the carpet. It was a pretty soulless experience.

On date nights, Stephen would pick me up from the office and we’d visit Kinokinuya, the popular bookstore in Japantown. They have a big selection of vinyl figures blind boxes to choose from and the Sonny Angels caught my eye. Stephen found their nudity offputting, but I thought it was endearing especially with all their different headwear.

I bought one and opened it. Felt instantly better about my drab day. Went back in and bought three more. Thus began my collection. They’re silly, I know, but I do love them and they remind me how colorful life (and work!) can be.

5️⃣ All the zines

Zines are one of the purest art forms we have. They’re creativity and passion made tangible.

Back in 2015, I visited the SF Zine Fair for the first time with my brother. We were fascinated by it all — the artwork, creativity, so many niche ideas! My favorite zines from the past few years include a boba map of SF, an intro to finances for twenty-somethings, queer film recs, and a story about a rice cooker.

I always talk about making a zine for PINBILL, but I always get stuck on finding a good idea. Someday, it’ll come to me. For now, I’ll just keep reading.

6️⃣ “Backstage” Muppets print by Glen Brogan

Stephen gifted me this print to me for our anniversary, and I immediately teared up when I saw it.

I love how Kermit is in the wings looking out towards the stage. His pose reads as “tired, but proud of a job well done” and I can definitely relate to that. I love all the photos and character portraits above the stage manager desk. So much history and playfulness and camaraderie! I was never part of a theater troupe in high school or college, but watching the Muppets makes me feel part of one. Running PINBILL does too ❤️